It’s Carers Week

There are 6.5 million carers in the UK, who save the economy £132 billion.

But their love, care & selfless dedication is priceless.

This week we are celebrating & recognising these incredible everyday heroes by supporting the We Care Campaign.

We Care Campaign is an award winning volunteer led campaign founded in 2018 by unpaid carers for unpaid carers.

It aims to achieve better recognition and appreciation for carers throughout the UK by putting those with lived experience at the heart of its campaigning work.

Have a watch at this year’s campaign video from the We Care Campaign.

We have seen first hand the endless love and care through the families that we have worked with in developing and trialling the Aergo PS, to us on our product innovation journey.

But, we see the challenges you face too, we know how tired you are, the pressure and strain that you are also under as you juggle work and family commitments with caring for your disabled family member.

We can see the difficulties you are experiencing, we hope to play a small role in making caring Visible, Valued and Supported.

Carers UK and the six other charities involved in Carers Week are calling on the Government to develop a Recovery and Respite plan for unpaid carers across a range of areas – including breaks, respite and care services, infection control, identification of carers, financial help, and support to juggle work and care.

You can find out more here - Carers Week 6-12 June 2022


OT in Twenty


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